Saturday, November 24, 2012

What I Love About Christmas

All day I've been posting about my Christmas tree on Facebook. I slept on the couch last night, skipped lunch today, all because I don't want to leave my most decorated room.

And really, I've been gearing up for the Christmas season long before I decorated yesterday. When I turned onto 4th Street downtown a few weeks ago and saw the lights strung across the street, I literally squealed with delight. A day or two later when I discovered a radio station that was already playing Christmas songs, I squealed again and have listened exclusively to that radio station since. I don't mind Christmas butting into Thanksgiving, not in the least. Christmas season doesn't last long enough for me.

Why do I love it so much? Because no matter what their intentions, anyone who decorates for Christmas is celebrating Jesus. Sure, there are many who celebrate the Santa-fied, commercialized, Jesus-less Christmas, but their festivities still scream of the One whose birth is the reason we celebrate.

I think my absolutely favorite thing is the lights. Against the backdrop of leafless trees and a cold wintery sky, these lights add an element of hope that make me absolutely giddy with love for the Light of the World. When all seemed bleak, this Light came to the world and brought hope. Every twinkling light I see remind me of his light, his hope.

The tree comes next. Of course, it is strung with the lights I love so much. But even my fake tree is a symbol to me of the life Jesus brought when he came to our world. And this isn't just a tree in the yard; it is an intimate part of my life, brought into my home. Likewise, Jesus longs to be invited into our homes, into the inmost parts of our lives.

And I love the presents. Not just getting them, which of course is fun for anyone. But the whole spirit of giving surrounding the holiday. I used to think it odd that we give everybody else presents on Jesus' birthday. But I think he must delight in seeing this love and sacrifice when giving is done right. It's a wonderful way to celebrate his selfless giving.

The music. Oh, the music. While I do delight in the whimsy of Santa songs like Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, nothing gives me butterflies like hearing songs about Jesus on the regular old radio. It's the one time of year when stations other than K-Love proclaim the Savior. The song that moves me the most is "O Holy Night." When it gets to the line that so boldly proclaims "Christ is the Lord," I well up with tears a little bit. Every time. The meaning of Christmas may be hidden to many, but it isn't lost. When secular radio stations shamelessly declare such a powerful message, it's impossible to forget that Jesus is the reason we celebrate.

But it's all of these things added together that make Christmas so beautiful to me. I never feel closer to Jesus than in this season. Our world is transformed for this month, and it's transformed because of Jesus. It's transformed because, whether or not people realize it, 2,000 plus years ago a little baby was born that could transform the hearts of everyone in the world. This piece of the year, we get to see and hear that all around us...and I love it.