Tonight I had an urge to sit on my back step, listen to my iPod, and just enjoy some time outdoors with my Creator.
And when I got to my back door, I realized it was raining. And I was disappointed. Here I was looking forward to a beautiful evening with God and it was raining.
But I went outside anyway. And as I sat there in the rain, I remembered this one day at Wheaton 11 years ago:
*not an actual photo. I know you might be misled.
(At the time I was keeping an illustrative journal of what I've come to know as God Sightings.) And on this particular night, I was sitting on the swings outside my dorm, where I liked to go and pray sometimes. And it started to rain that night, too, as I was praying about all my worries about the future. What if I never found a job? What if I couldn't make it as an adult? Would God really bring me a job I would love? What did I even really want to do?
And then God send the rain. The drops were soft and they tickled my face. The rain hadn't bothered me then; I felt like God was reaching down to touch me and tell me that it was going to be okay.
I've been through a lot since that night. Good times, bad times. Times that shook my faith and made me angry with God. Times that strengthened my faith and made me rejoice in God.
So tonight I sat out there in the rain and listened to my iPod, and started to sing along. One of the songs I listened to was
Never Once by Matt Redman.
As I sang memories of the past 11 years flashed in my head.
Seeing just how far we've comeKnowing that for every step, you were with us
I thought of God's faithful presence through all those times.
Carried by your constant grace
Held within your perfect peace
That night 11 years ago I was so worried that I'd fail. And I've certainly failed at times.
Knowing every victory was your power in us.
And I've had victories. But through it all, I never walked alone.
Scars and struggles on the way
But with joy our hearts can say
Yes our hearts can say
Never once did we ever walk alone
Never once did you leave us on our own
You are faithful
God you are faithful
God's faithfulness has been the constant in my life through an internship, a first-job-out-of college, moving to a new state, going through a rocky marriage and a subsequent divorce, job changes and job stress, nearly losing my dad, heartache, and joy.
And that ticklish touch of tonight's rain was a wonderful reminder of God's faithful presence in every step of my life since that fretful college prayer in the rain in 2003.