Sunday, September 2, 2012

Idea for Visitors

My Dad came to visit in April. I wanted to make sure he got to do everything fun he wanted to do, but also didn't feel like he had to abide by an agenda I'd planned in order to squeeze everything in.

So I came up with an idea that my friend suggested I blog about. First, I researched everything fun to do in the northeast Colorado area. I sent my dad a list of the things I'd found (with links when applicable) and asked him to pick the ones that most interested in him. That way I could weed out the things he didn't even want to do. (I also had a space for him to add things he wanted to do that I'd left off.)

Then I took the things he did want to do and grouped them geographically. I used those groups to make "coupons" which he could redeem whenever he wanted to. So there was a "Fort Collins" package that had all the things in that area so we could hit them all in one day—but he got to decide what coupon to use each day. (And while there was one coupon per day, including one "relaxation" coupon where we just did things around my home and neighborhood, he didn't have to use them all if his priorities had changed.)

It worked out pretty nicely. We stayed busy and did a ton of stuff, but still had time each day to relax at home and play Yahtzee or watch a movie. I'd definitely use this idea again!


Jeff Dunn-Rankin said...

Brilliant, Ali.
What a lucky dad. Exactly the kind of thing my Katie would love to do.

Thanks for having dinner with Annette and me (not I) on Sunday at KidMin.



Ali Thompson said...

Thanks Jeff, I had fun eating with you guys! Let me know how this goes if you do it with Katie!