Saturday, July 31, 2010


The Bachelor/ette is, let's face it, an over-dramatized show about a terrible way to find a soul mate. And yet, I'm hooked.

But this season has been the best one, in my opinion. Not because of all the drama. Not because of the places they've traveled. But because Ali has inspired me.

From the time she started on Jake's season, Ali reminded me of me. Obviously our names are the same, so that's an easy similarity. But when she talked about her job, it reminded me of me, too. We both love our jobs. We're career-driven, but we don't overwork. Just check our emails a couple times on the weekends...but mostly keep work at work. But we love what we do.

We're both positive people. We're both really honest - bluntly so. Wear our emotions on our sleeves. I feel like she's like a prettier, more outgoing version of me in a lot of ways.

But as I watched her on the Bachelorette, one glaring difference has stood out to me: her sense of adventure. I don't have one. Ali loves to try new things. Even things that scare her - like flying - she'll do, and she won't complain about it. She'll show her fear, but she'll also give it her best.

I've never been one with a sense of adventure. I don't like to try new things because what if I embarrass or hurt myself? But seeing Ali's courage has made me want to live with more courage. Try things that might scare me a little bit. Grow a sense of adventure.

It won't happen overnight. But I'm hoping Ali has planted the seed of a life change in me.