Sunday, April 8, 2012


I started running pretty much daily back in August. My motivation was to get some exercise and stay in shape. But what I've discovered is that running is a very spiritual act for me.

It's hard to explain, really. It's just that I can sense God filling me with strength when I run. Not just strengthening my leg muscles and lung capacity, but strengthening me. There's this sense that I can do all things because he gives me strength (Philippians 4:13) that's manifested in a run. Even when I run at work while watching TV...there's still this spiritual element to it. But it's definitely stronger when I'm out on the open road, surrounded by God's creation.

For a while early on, I tried praying while I run. That didn't really work, because I found my thoughts wandering. But I discovered that even though I don't present requests while I run, it's really a prayerful time. For whatever reason, the to-do list part of my brain shuts down (and that doesn't happen a lot), and I'm just present. And it's when I'm present that I sense God's presence the most.

A week ago I got an iPod so I can listen to music while I run. This has deepened the spiritual aspect even further, the music providing a worshipful background (with the occasional Chipmunks thrown in) as I'm being strengthened by God's presence.

And today, as I rounded a corner with Peanut, I saw a fox standing on the crest of a hill. I slowed to a walk quickly, not wanting him to see Peanut as prey and chase us. And as I slowly walked past the hill, the fox and I just made eye contact, each wondering if we could trust the other. Eventually, he must've decided I wasn't trustworthy and took off. But for those few moments, I was just seeing God through this interaction with a wild creature he'd set in my path.

When people have asked me if I'm a runner, I've usually said no. I don't have much stamina and take regular walking breaks. It doesn't come naturally to me. But boy, have I come to love my morning runs in God's strength and presence.