Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mr. Biscuit

In all the chaos of Peanut's surgery, I never did explain how we came to adopt Mr. Biscuit. So here's his story.

Biscuit, like Peanut, was an "oops puppy." Him even more than Peanut. We went to the pet store just to play with the puppies (which is dangerous unless you live in a place where you aren't allowed to adopt a dog...). There was this little brown one I wanted to play with, but another family asked to take him out. So as we stood around watching the other puppies and waiting for the family to finish, someone else finished playing with Biscuit and handed him to one of the employees.

Dan was standing by the employee, and she was trying to help another customer, so she just handed him to Dan to hold for a bit. We snuggled him a bit, then put him away and played with the brown one. Dan learned that Biscuit had been in the pet store for 2 months, and that made us really sad.

So we got him out and played with him some more. We liked how he was fun and playful, but mellow at the same time. We thought he'd be a good balance for Peanut. We weren't so sure about the cost of buying a puppy, but they told us they'd give him to us for what he'd cost them. Which was really cheap for a pet store dog.

We talked for a while, deliberating and playing with him past the pet store's closing time. He had this little pink blanky to chew on and play with. And in the end, obviously, we decided to get him. They even included the blanky, which will always be a nice memento.

When we got home, Peanut was curious right away. She was pretty excited that there was a new friend in the house! Buttercup just walked over to me and looked at me like, "What is WRONG with you people? Are you kidding me?" But she did end up warming up to Biscuit pretty quickly once she realized he could be pretty mellow AND could take some of Peanut's crazy attention off of her.