Friday, November 18, 2011

There's Always Tomorrow

I've noticed throughout the course of my life that there always seems to be a better time later to set self-improvement goals. New Year's of course, is a big one. So I think of a habit I want to form or break around this time of year, and I think, "I'll do that in 2012. That's a good time to change."

But there've been other times, too. When I graduate high school. When I get to college. When I get through mid-terms. When the semester ends. When I graduate college. When I get through this big project. When I move. And on and on it goes.

It struck me the other day that there's always an excuse to put off becoming who God wants you to be and becoming a more whole person. Until the day comes when there is no tomorrow, and you realize with each extension you made to your goals of self-improvement, you've never changed.

I'm not saying there's no grace for busy times. But if you, like me, find yourself putting off desires to improves yourself for another day, join me in saying: Today is the day I will become who God wants me to be.

* On an ironic note, I decided to write this blog on Tuesday. Hey, it's a work in progress...