Monday, February 27, 2012

Do You Want To Get Well?

Jesus heals a lot of people in the Bible. Some of the passages don't even describe the details, they just tell of people coming to see him in droves. Most of the healings Jesus performs are for people who sought his help.

And then there's the lame man in John 5. He's been an invalid for 38 years. Jesus sees him sitting by this mystical pool that is rumored to heal the first person to get in after an angel stirs it up. This man isn't begging.  He didn't have friends bring him to Jesus. He doesn't see Jesus and cry out for help. He's just lying there. And Jesus comes up to him with a simple question, "Do you want to get well?"

He actually doesn't respond to the question. He just starts making excuses. "Well, everybody else gets there first when the water is stirred up." Unlike so many who come to Jesus desperate with hope, this man plays the victim. "Woe is me." After 38 years, he's so used to playing this victim card that he doesn't even think to answer Jesus' question with a yes. We're left to wonder...does he want to get well? If he's heard the rumors of this mystical pool, hasn't he also heard rumors of the great healer traveling around Israel? Why hasn't he sought Jesus' help?

Well, want it or not, Jesus heals him. But he reminds me of too many people I've seen. Wallowing in self pity and misery so long they end up stuck there. And really, when it comes right down to it, even though it's painful, there's a comfort to it. Because at least then they can keep blaming other people and circumstances. At least then they don't have to take responsibility.

There's no mystical pool to heal our sorrows. There is only Jesus. But he rarely healed those who didn't seek it out. Do you really want his healing? Then get up! Pick up your mat and walk!


Sarah Beth said...

There are many instances of very real depression in the Bible, and we have to be really careful not to confuse the terms depression and self-loathing. When Elijah was so low he pleaded for God to end his own life, God didn't tell him to quit playing the victim card. An Angel of the Lord came to him and told him to rest, eat, and know that the journey was too much for him.

Ali Thompson said...

I wasn't referring to biological depression. That is a different thing. But I think there are people who are not biologically depressed but wallow in misery because it's comfortable.

Ali Thompson said...

That's not to say that people can't find healing from depression. Jesus can heal anything. I just don't think it's as simple as wanting to get well at that point, there are biological things that need to be healed. But there is an element of wanting to be healed in seeking out the treatments God has offered through counseling and medication. These things can at least help if people are willing to try them.