Friday, February 24, 2012

It's Your Book Now

I've been reflecting on Psalm 139 lately. And when I came across one familiar verse, something struck me. The verse says, "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." And as a writer/editor, I thought, "Hey! God's a writer!" That's pretty cool.

Today I was thinking about this some more. I recently joined a book club and we read the first book of The Hunger Games. When we met to discuss it, some of the members said at least five times, "no spoilers!" to those who had read all three books.

I started to think about how often I wish there were spoilers for this book God has written called "Ali's Life." Unlike a real book, where we're sure that knowing the ending will the joy out of reading (or watching a sports game on DVR, or a movie, or The Bachelor), it seems like if we could just get a few spoilers in God's book, we'd have a lot less anxiety.

But as tempting as it would be to google spoilers for "Ali's Life" if they existed, I think it would have the same effect as googling spoilers for books and movies we're really excited about. It might eliminate some worry, but it would also take the joy out of the journey.

So I'll just have to trust that the Author of my life is worthy of an Oprah's Book Club sticker and take one page at a time.