Monday, June 27, 2011


I always find it interesting to watch the dynamics of a missions trip where you're serving alongside people you just met. You've got the people who are just super loud and excited and outgoing, and are instantly popular. You've got the people like me, who prefer to be quiet and behind the scenes in these settings, and find it hard to mingle. And you've got people who aren't naturally outgoing or loud, but try to be because they want to be popular.

I've been there. I've been the one forcing myself to be someone i'm not just to be popular. It doesn't work. In fact, it looks really forced and awkward if that's not how you naturally are. And worst of all, at least in my experience, people who do that aren't doing it to generate energy and build impacting relationships. They're doing it because they want to be liked. This is the danger. This is when your focus becomes centered on yourself.

I'm not saying this to judge. Like I said, I've been that person. And even though I'm not this time, I'm self focused in other retreating to get some time away from the crowds that are so uncomfortable to me.

But when I do mingle, I've made it a point not to try to be someone I'm not. It's obvious that it's fake, and it's not a good way to be. God made me the way he made me, and those outgoing people the way he made them, so that when we come together as a team we can serve him the best. If we were all the just wouldn't work right.