Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I've been working on Buzz Curriculum, on Gross Me Out (Grades 3 & 4). One of the questions I wrote into it really got me thinking.

The passage is on this story where God asks Ezekiel to do a number of weird and gross things (bread cooked over poop, anyone?) to send a message to Israel. One of the things he has to do is lay on his right side for 390 days, then flip over and lay on his left side for another 40 days. No stretch breaks, no cable TV...just stillness, soreness, and boredom.

And he does it! But the question I put in the lesson is something along these lines: Explain whether you'd be willing to be that uncomfortable for over a year if God asked you to.

My honest answer? I wouldn't be. The Sunday School answer queen in me wants to say "Of course, because I'd do anything God asked me to do!" And truth be told - if God asked me to I might even bake my bread over a fire fueled by cow poop. Maybe. As long as none of the poop touched the bread.

But lying on my side, bored and uncomfortable, for over a year? I just don't think I could do it. (And did I mention that 8 oz of poop bread a day is all the guy got to eat during that time?) I'd make excuses. I'd weasel my way out. I'm not saying that's the right thing to do. Obeying God is always the right thing to do. But I highly doubt I'd do that particular task willingly. I'm way too into my own comfort for that.

What's your honest answer - and if you truly think you could do it, how would you bear with it?


Linda B said...
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Linda B said...

I think if God REALLY wanted you to do something like that, He'd have a specific reason.