Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Day

Growing up, I hated Thanksgiving. I didn't like any of the traditional food associated with the holiday, and while I would have been perfectly content to enjoy my Chef Boyardee Ravioli instead, I was always teased for this choice. For me, the holiday was a holiday all about a food I didn't like, and thus a holiday about mockery. No giving of thanks involved.

Then a few years ago, I decided I could tolerate turkey OK. And then three Thanksgivings ago, I had my first Thanksgiving with my mom's cousin-in-law, Jean. She makes such a moist and delicious turkey that I actually started liking turkey. Like, desiring it.

Nonetheless, having spent the majority of my life being mocked for my distaste of Thanksgiving foods, I still find it a sad thing when the holiday is all about food and not about giving thanks. And this year I've noticed more and more people calling it "Turkey Day." This frustrates me immensely; it's an acknowledgment that we're not giving thanks, we're just gorging ourselves on turkey.

America is a culture of selfish, greedy people. Myself included. We desperately need a reminder to give thanks for all that we've been blessed with. But instead, we've made Thanksgiving into a day of overeating and more greed and excess. It really bothers me.

Here are some things I'm thankful for: Dan, my puppies, our home, my car, my job, our couch, cookies, family, Colorado weather, new sweaters, and my VCR.