Thursday, November 4, 2010


Whenever people hear that I'm an editor, they think my job means reading things to check for grammatical and spelling errors. That isn't at all what I do.

In fact, there's a whole different position for those grammar and spelling whizzes, and they do it far better than I could. And some of my editor colleagues have admitted their spelling is atrocious.

What I do is this: I help develop the ideas for curriculum: what it will look like, what Bible passages we'll use, what gizmos we'll include, that kind of thing. Then I pass that info along to freelance writers, who create lessons. We go back and forth as they create outlines, 1st drafts, and finals. I help authors refine their ideas throughout that process, making sure they're meaningful and creative, and fit Group's filters. I help them refine questions to be meaningful and discussion provoking. I love helping authors take good ideas and make them great.

Once I've got all the author's manuscripts for a given quarter, I do one final edit to make sure everything flows together nicely and is formatted correctly.

Then I work with our internal team to continue to refine the manuscripts and make sure things get laid out correctly, that everything works the way it should.

I absolutely love my job, because I get to be creative and find ways to improve things. And that's what a Group editor does.