Saturday, September 3, 2011


I've been trying to get into a better rhythm lately. In the past when I've tried a regular sleeping schedule, I would still find myself hitting snooze to much and oversleeping once I got used to it. But I'm trying it again, and hoping that this time it will work better.

So every night at around 10 (sometimes I'll fudge that to 10:15), I turn off all screens. No more computer, no more TV. I start getting ready for bed, then read or do word puzzles or something else relaxing until 11, when I go to bed. So far I feel that this no-screen time right before bed is helping my body shut down better for a deeper sleep.

Then my alarm goes off at 7. Which it always did, but the problem was that a certain little Peanut would ring her potty bell between 6:30 and 6:45 every morning, waking me up. And when that happened, it was just a little too early, but if I went back to bed I didn't get up until at least 8:30. I don't do well with cat naps. 99% of the time, I opted for the extra time in bed.

So Dan's been letting out the dogs again before he goes to bed, and that seems to work well enough for Peanut to get on my schedule. They still wake up before me - every morning lately all four of their "chew sticks" are strewn around the room, sometimes accompanied by a toy or two. (Biscuit has a bit of a chew stick addiction...) But they don't wake me up, so when my alarm goes off at 7, after two snoozes (I still can't swing the no snooze thing...), I am up and running.

Literally, running. I'm trying to do it daily. I've done it for 5 days straight, and I'm shooting for 23 straight days because that's how long it takes to create a habit. Peanut has LOVED this development! Biscuit, who gets left behind, not so much. We go this route that's 1.25 miles, then I cool down as I read my Bible before a shower. On the weekends I'm planning to go 3 miles instead, which is my route twice, and then around our block twice.

So far, I feel really good with my new rhythm. I hope it lasts!