Thursday, September 1, 2011

See You at the Pole

It's September, and September means See You At the Pole! This year it's on September 28th, and even though I'm not in school anymore, I still get excited.

When I was in high school, I dealt with my fair share of opposition when I planned our school's See You at the Pole. Like torn down posters, one even found in the toilet. And one year, a principal who wasn't so sure it was legal to pray on campus. (I took it to the super intendant and got it taken care of.)

But the most memorable event of See You at the Pole was the year kids starting throwing rocks at us. There was a moment when I wondered, will people leave? But no one left. In fact, upon seeing our persecutors, more kids started to join us. And the rocks stopped. In the end, it turned out the be the biggest SYATP turnout of all my years in high school. What those kids with the rocks didn't realize is that God's power was so much bigger than their rocks.

And that's why SYATP is so close to my heart. Why I pray for students as they prepare for it and face their own opposition. Students, no matter what happens, remember: God's power is greater than any problem you face.


Joelle said...

Love this Ali. God's power is greater than any problem or circumstance we face in this life. Even when we are going through rough times I've learned that God is faithful, walking beside us, giving us the strength to keep going.

He doesn't always deliver us, but he is always faithful to carry us through and not leave us. In the last 5 years I've learned to trust him like I never have. In some very dark days in my life I saw God do some amazing miracles even though he didn't remove me from the rough situation.

Looking back I don't want to relive that time period, but I treasure it at the same time because of the stead fast faith I now have in a loving God.

Thanks for sharing! That's an amazing SYATP experience!