I've blogged about how I want to be part of an in-depth small group with women. But here's what I don't want: 20 pages of homework a week. I've found in the past that while formal studies can be enriching, they also take up so much time that you don't have the time to do your personal Bible reading. You know, the stuff you really want to spend time with God on. Plus, if not everyone does the homework, it's kind of tough to lead the study.
So here's my ideal plan for a small group. I'm posting it because maybe you'll take it and adapt it and use it yourself. Or maybe you live in Colorado and want to join me.
Each week, women hold each other accountable for reading the Bible and spending time in prayer. They don't all have to be reading the same thing, they just hold each other accountable to do it. There's no paperwork to fill out, no structure to it. You decide what you want to read, how much, when, and your group holds you accountable to that.
Then you get together once a week to discuss these questions:
- How have you seen God at work this week?
- What has he been teaching you through situations in life?
- What has he taught you in his Word this week?
- In what areas is God encouraging you to grow?
- What answers to prayer have you seen this week?
- What prayer requests do you have? (And along with that: What plans do you have for this week?)
Then they pray together, about anything shared but especially about the prayer requests and for God's hand in your plan next week.
And that's it. No books, no study guides, just 6 questions that help people get to really know what's going on in each other's lives. Deeply, personally relating to each other and helping each other grow closer to God.
I really like your idea for a group, Ali! The questions really dig a lot deeper and foster real relationships rather than reserving some of that stuff for the end as a token part of prayer requests like many other groups. Let me know if you ever get more interest from others; I would be interested in taking part, provided it fits in my schedule!
Hey Kendra, I didn't see your comment until now. Do you know Eddie & Sarah Greene? Dan and I were talking about starting a group with them, we'd split up men/women separately but maybe do it at the same time. And if people don't have spouses that's fine. We were thinking maybe a Saturday BYO lunch type thing?
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