Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today we had a big scare when we thought Dan had lost his wallet at the movie theater. With his social security card inside. It was nowhere to be found in his car or our house.

We canceled his credit cards and were trying to figure out what to do about his SS card, and I was getting really stressed out about the whole ordeal. And all of a sudden I had this random thought - a picture of Peanut running toward Dan with the wallet in her mouth. Like she'd found it hidden away and thought it was a toy he'd throw for her to fetch.

It was a strange thought but I thought, hey, I'll pray about that. So I prayed that God would help Peanut find Dan's wallet and bring it to him.

It didn't happen like that. Dan found it tangled up between the sheets and covers of our bed. But when he found it Peanut was acting mighty guilty, and I have a feeling there's only one creature in our house who would have put the wallet there - and it's not Dan.

So, God answered my prayer, not in the exact way I prayed but in the way that mattered. And maybe that random image was just mean to be a faith-builder to me that yes, Dan's wallet was somewhere in our house - and Peanut knew where.