Monday, February 28, 2011

Missing Out

Tonight we watched a pre-screening of The Adjustment Bureau, the new Matt Damon flick. A great movie! It really made me think about God's plan and how he might use sometimes use little things to put me where he needs me to be.

After the movie, since it was a pre-screening, we were asked to share feedback. One recurring comment was the language in the movie. There were a few swears - not that many, I think - and many of the people watching the movie, as Christians, were offended by that.

I don't want to put down any of the people who had that opinion. But the comments got me to thinking that we as Christians miss so much because of our judgment. I don't know if the people who shared tonight would not recommend the movie because of the language, or if they tuned out the movie because of it...but I know that often, Christians do that. We throw out a really redeemable thing because one minor thing offends us. Rather than seeing the good, we look for the bad. It's one thing that bothers me about a popular Christian movie review site.

If you'd shown me the movie 10 years ago, I would have been shocked by every swear, and I would have complained about the same things. But I've come to realize that if every swear we hear shocks us, we've created a safe little bubble where not only does the world not impact us - we don't impact the world. And that's not a good place to be.