Tonight, the topic at Lifetree Cafe was on the topic "Is God Real?" After a video about a man who encountered Jesus in a vision, we were encouraged to find a partner - someone we didn't know well - and then close our eyes for a minute and listen to God. See if he had a message for that person.
I have to admit, a part of me was a little skeptical. It felt a little bit like calling Ms. Cleo for my free reading. (My sister and I can act out a commercial if you're ever interested.) Somehow I have no trouble believing about the prophets in the Bible, but when it comes to God speaking today there's something hard to believe.
But I did it, and all I could picture was an hourglass. I thought, "This is probably just because we're supposed to do this for a minute, and my brain is counting down the time." But at any rate, I shared with my partner and she knew exactly what God was telling her. She kept telling her husband she felt like time was running out, and she hadn't done everything she wanted to with her life. She's supposed to have a heart valve replacement in a few years, and she's worried about how that will go.
She also shared what God had told her. "I feel like God's saying you really love what you do for work, but you want to do more with your life." That's when I started to think there was something to this whole thing. It was just what I'd blogged about a couple weeks ago, about dreams and about wanting to write more. It perfectly captured the things I've been feeling. I told her so. I told her that I do love my job, but work has been so stressful and overwhelming lately that I've felt frustrated because I'm too exhausted to pursue my writing.
When we said goodbye a bit later, she said, "I feel like God wants me to give you this word: Seek. Seek, seek seek. He'll do what you want to happen. Maybe not in the way you expect, but he'll use you. Seek."
There's still a part of me that finds this whole thing a little odd. But hey, seeking God is biblical. So that's what I'm gonna do.
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