Saturday, February 5, 2011

Best of Blogs #24

Opportunity, originally posted 2/19/10.

This year one thing I've been trying to do is say yes to things, even if I'm a little hesitant. It's like the movie Yes Man, but much less extreme. I won't say yes to ANYTHING, but if it's something that's a potential growth opportunity, I'll probably do it even if there's a part of me that's scared or unwilling. That can mean little things, like getting to know someone who I have a silly beef with, or bigger things, like saying yes when a local church asked me to speak at their women's retreat in April.

So far I haven't regretted anything I've said yes to. They've ended up being good opportunities and they've helped me grow in weak areas. I'm thankful that God is bringing me opportunities of all sizes to help me grow. And while it's not always easy to keep that perspective, my goal is to end 2010 with a lot more character and skill than I started it with.