Saturday, February 19, 2011

Inspiration and Motivation

A couple nights ago I had a dream. I'm not going to go into the details here because I think it was novel-worthy. It was kind of like The Shack, only totally different. It had me on an emotional roller coaster the whole time, and I woke up crying at the end. I think it could have that effect on readers, too.

I've been inspired to write things before (though not fiction since childhood), but never through dreams. Usually it's through conversations, through passions, through random thoughts in the shower...that kind of thing. But I know of at least one other author who was inspired to write a story because of a dream he had.

It's interesting where inspiration can come from. I woke up from that dream and popped open my Macbook to take avid notes while it was fresh in my memory. I knew this was something I wanted to write. And it wasn't one of those things that makes total sense when you're half asleep, and later you look at it and go, "I really thought THIS was a good idea?" No. Images from that dream are still popping into my head, reminding me of the power of this story. I WANT to write it.

But wanting to and finding motivation seem to be two different things. I've had so much on my plate at work that I'm TIRED. I spent today just doing NOTHING, and it was great! I kept "shoulding" myself...I should be starting that novel...but it just felt so good to have no agenda. But then I think about the week ahead and I think...I'm still going to be tired. At some point I have to move past that and get motivated anyway, or this story will never get written.

Where do you find inspiration, and where do you find motivation?