Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Allow me a gripe session for a moment, if you please.

When did littering cigarettes become so socially acceptable? If you choose to pollute your body with cigarettes, that's your right and your choice. I'm really not in a place to judge with my lack of fruits and veggies and my love of candy. But I don't go throwing my candy wrappers out the car window or on my neighbor's steps. And while there may be a few who do litter candy wrappers, it's the exception.

But littering cigarettes? I can't a remember a day that I've been on the road and not seen at least one person litter a cigarette butt. Usually much more than one person. Why do people think this is OK? Your car comes with an ashtray. Use it. And if you don't like the gross butt in your car - don't smoke!

If you know or are someone who smokes and doesn't throw your butts on the ground, please, let me know. Because I'm starting to wonder if there are any smokers out there who don't litter.