Thursday, October 7, 2010


Today I was in charge of an event called the FunShop at Group. It's an event for 5th graders to come to Group, learn some career skills, and learn about the publishing world. Group has done it before, but with different content and I've never been a part of it.

I've done event planning before and I hated it...too much stress. But this was a smaller event than the things I'd done before, and it was a lot of fun. I got to be a part of it and do fun things with kids, which is always awesome.

Did it go perfectly? No. I have a whole list of things that I want to do differently next time. But as I read over the evaluations today, the kids loved it. They learned things and had a great time. And I realized that success doesn't mean doing things perfectly, especially the first time you try it. There will be glitches. No one can plan something perfectly.

But success is doing things the best you can, making a difference in people's lives even if there are things that could go better, and learning how you can improve it for the next time around.

You can check out what the kids at