A few weeks ago results came out about a religion quiz (http://features.pewforum.org/quiz/us-religious-knowledge). 10 knowledge-based questions about a variety of religions were asked, and the groups that scored the best were atheists and agnostics.
Those results made me pause. We emphasize the importance of a meaningful, deep relationship with Jesus, and I definitely think that's the most important thing. But I wonder if in doing that, we disregard biblical knowledge and knowledge about other religions.
Bottom line: what we know about our faith shows others that we've made an educated choice to follow Jesus. We're not just leaning on a crush; we know the options and we've decided Christian faith is the way. And what these results indicate to the world is that the people who really have looked into the options have decided no faith is the way.
Relationship with Jesus is key. But if we want to show the world that relationship is the one true way, we've got to know our stuff.
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