Monday, January 31, 2011

Best of Blogs #19

Stampeding Elephants, originally posted 9/1/08. I just really liked this one.

I was watching this new dog reality show the other day - The Great American Dog or something like that. They had this competition where the dogs had to sit on a target, and their owner had to stand on the sidelines and tell them to stay. There was a banana just in front of the dog, and an elephant coming toward the dog to get the banana. If the dog left the target, they were out. So they had to believe that although a huge, trumpeting animal was coming toward them, their owner wouldn't tell them to stay if it was dangerous. In the end, the smallest dog, I think a bichon, won that part of the competition.

Wow. That's the kind of trust I want to have in my Master. Knowing that whatever He tells me to do, He has my best interest in mind. Knowing that even when it seems like life is an elephant charging for me, God knows what is going on, and if He tells me to stay - I will stay.