Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 Resolutions

If you don't want to read this one, I totally understand. I just wanted to take the time to evaluate how I did with my 2011 resolutions.

General goals:
  • See the good in everyone (my only non-measurable goal) I think I tried to do this pretty well.
  • Read the other half of the Bible Finished 12/31/11!
  • Write my next book Oopsies. Well I did write like 10 pages.
  • Learn the mountain peaks viewable from Loveland I learned 2. The two obvious ones. 
  • Read 5 or more classics (Ethan Frome, Old Man and the Sea, Frankenstein, The Time Machine, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea) I started this. I read The Time Machine and started Frankenstein. I was so bored by both books that I decided to scrap this goal.
  • Read 3 or more non-fiction books (Road to Reality, Captivating by Eldrege, The Me I Want to Be by Ortberg) Didn't read any of these.
Weekly goals:
  • Blog at least 5x/week I wrote 166 blogs in the year. I was going pretty strong until April, when Buttercup passed away. That really knocked a lot out of me.
  • Work out 3x/week In August I started running almost daily - I'd say most weeks I hit more like 5x a week!
  • Write a devotional/week Again...going strong until April. Since my devotionals were originally inspired by Buttercup, and then I added the other dogs as inspiration, it was too painful to work on this. I picked it up again in November or so.
Monthly goals:
  • Bake desserts instead of buying them at least once per month Umm...I like Oreos. And ice cream. And Grasshoppers. So this was a dumb goal.