Sunday, January 8, 2012


I've been in the process of redecorating my house. Every two weeks (on pay day), I can get one or two more things to complete the renovation. I'm getting close to finishing.

So, with all of the redecorating on my mind, the word "adorns" struck me as I reflected on this verse: "Holiness adorns your house for endless days, O Lord" (Psalm 93:6).

I'm not saying we should all give up on trying to fill our homes with decor that we find aesthetically pleasing. But as I've been redecorating, have I given any thought into how holiness might adorn my home?

It's hard for me to envision what this actually looks like. What is it about God's home in heaven that looks holy? And, since I am lacking in his perfect holiness and merely striving to be holy, how can I capture a glimpse of that in my home?

It won't come from any paintings or furniture or floor vases. It will come from my life being so full of God that his holiness shines through me. Not just in my home, but at work, at Walmart...everywhere I go. It is my prayer that my life will be adorned with holiness.