Thursday, January 5, 2012


The first day I started reflecting on Psalm 93, this line from verse 1 jumped out to me and filled me with peace: "The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved."

So often the world feels like it's just a stormy chaos. I mean not the physical earth, but my world. It sometimes feels like it's just bouncing around aimlessly. Like nothing is certain.

So when I read this verse I thought, "I just need to have the faith that God has my world in his hands. That even when it seems out of control, it cannot be moved from God's control."

And I started to think about when Jesus calmed the storm. It certainly seemed like the disciples' world was out of control. They said with confidence, "we're going to drown!" But the world wasn't out of control for Jesus. With a simple rebuke, there was peace again.

This is the kind of peace we can have. Even when we don't have a lot of faith - that was something Jesus pointed out about the disciples. Though he'd rather have had them believe, he brought peace to their world anyway.

When it seems like your world is spiraling out of control, remember: it is firmly established. It cannot be moved.


Rochelle said...

You are a writer.